Sunday, 31 May 2015

Questions Answered.

Who are you? Why have you started this blog?
These are some of the questions you may be currently asking yourself, well, to answer them, here goes.

Hi beauts.
My name is Freya, I am a 14 year old girl from the north east of England and I am often bored. I decided to make this blog as a hobby or a time passer, but, hopefully, this will end up being a little more than that. I like going on the computer or laptop and sometimes, I will end up playing a little of the Sims 3, but where I can, I will be out on my bike or trying to sunbathe, this, however, never works as I just get freckles or burn, of course it doesn't help that where I live it is rarely sunny. I love going clothes shopping or buying new make-up, however this usually results in me getting frustrated as barely anything ever fits me. The reason for this is probably because I'm one of those people who say to them selves, ''I'm going to start to be more healthy,'' then the next day I end up eating way, way more than I should. What can I say... I love food. I really like photography, the thought of capturing your memories forever, on the other hand I'm very shaky and not very photogenic, but, oh well. I really adore singing, but for some reason, when people ask me to sing in front or them, I shy away and get really embarrassed. According to the people who have actually heard me sing, whilst I have been alone or in my own world, I can sing, but you, probably, will never know. Also I am an aspiring Youtuber but need batteries and an SD card for my camera, this is why there will be a lack of photos in the next few posts. I have high hopes for my future as I think, THINK that is not KNOW, I want to be a DI, (detective inspector) or an animator for Disney, yep I know, that's what you call high hopes, however I am in top set for everything so... Also, I have a pet cat called Scooby, 1 older brother, 1 younger brother and 1 younger sister. By the way, not to offend anyone in any way, but I am not religious at all, however, I was christened when I was a baby.
So, I hope I have covered most of your questions. If not, you know where the comments are. Also, I will just post if and when.
Until next time...